The population of Mineola, TX was estimated to be 4,900 in 2022. The median age of the Mineola population is 41.2.
Cost of Living
The cost of living in Mineola, TX is about 21% lower than the national average. The median household income in Mineola is $45,842.
Mineola, TX Education
High School Graduate: 42%
Some College: 32%
Associates Degree: 7%
Bachelor's or Higher Degree: 19%
Workforce Participation Rates by Education
Less than High School: 52%
High School Graduate: 71%
Some College: 78%
Bachelor's Degree or Greater: 93%
Unemployment Rate by Education
Less than High School: 11%
High School Graduate: 4%
Bachelor's Degree or Greater: 4%
Estimated education data based on residents over 25 years old in Mineola, TX. Employment data based on residents age 25-64.
Mineola Job Market
Mineola is a small city in northeastern Texas with a population of around 4,000. Top industries in Mineola include Agriculture, Manufacturing, Government, Health Services, Education, and Trade, Transportation, and Utilities. The job market in Mineola is growing steadily and is mainly based in manufacturing and farming. People like working in Mineola because of its affordability, small town feel, and mild winters. Overall, average weekly wages for most occupations and cost of living are lower in Mineola than in the rest of the US.