Jobs in Hugoton, KS (49)
National Beef Packing Co
Liberal, KS
Western Equipment
Tyrone, OK
Westlake Hardware
Liberal, KS
Domino's Pizza
Liberal, KS
Only Data Entry Clerk
🌎 Remote
Amazon Delivery
Liberal, KS
Seaboard Energy
Hugoton, KS
Loves Travel Stops & Country Store
Hooker, OK
Archer Daniels Midland
Hooker, OK
LoanMax Title Loans
Liberal, KS
Employment in Hugoton
The population of Hugoton, KS was estimated to be 3,700 in 2022. The median age of the Hugoton population is 34.1.
Cost of Living
The cost of living in Hugoton, KS is about 25% lower than the national average. The median household income in Hugoton is $56,786.
Hugoton, KS Education
- High School Graduate: 34%
- Some College: 43%
- Associates Degree: 10%
- Bachelor's or Higher Degree: 14%
Workforce Participation Rates by Education
- Less than High School: 83%
- High School Graduate: 75%
- Some College: 78%
- Bachelor's Degree or Greater: 79%
Unemployment Rate by Education
- Less than High School: 13%
- High School Graduate: 5%
- Some College: 4%
- Bachelor's Degree or Greater: 4%
Estimated education data based on residents over 25 years old in Hugoton, KS. Employment data based on residents age 25-64.
County: Stevens
Hugoton Job Market
Hugoton has about 49 jobs hiring across 5 industries. The top 5 jobs currently available in Hugoton, KS are:
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