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How to Deal With Your Nerves and Anxiety When Starting a New Job

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  • Feeling nervous when starting a new job is completely normal.
  • There are steps you can take to calm your nerves and prepare yourself for your first day.
  • Viewing this job as an opportunity to learn, feeling comfortable with not knowing everything right away, and remembering that you were hired for a reason can help you start your first day confidently.


The long and stressful job search has finally come to a close, putting an end to countless resume submissions and awkward job interviews. You’ve found a new job, and it’s time to get ready for your first day.

If you’re like most people, though, you’re probably nervous about your new role and meeting new colleagues. It’s completely normal to feel nervous before starting a new job. Those nerves might even last through the first week or longer as you adjust to your new position. You want to put your best foot forward, which leads to fear about everything that could go wrong.

Luckily, there are ways to cope with this nervousness, making your first days and weeks easier and more productive. Here’s what you can do to overcome your new job nerves and anxiety.

7 Tips to Overcome New Job Nerves and Anxiety

You have exciting new opportunities before you as you prepare to begin your new career. To help you overcome your anxiety and move confidently into your new position, there are a few strategies you can employ. Here are the top seven we recommend.

Remember That They Hired You for a Reason

When your employer offered you this new position, they selected you from all the other candidates. In other words, after examining your skills and experience, they decided that you were the right person for the job. From your resume to your job interview, you made a good first impression. Now, remember that this was also the right impression. Put that imposter syndrome aside and remind yourself that you can do this.

It can be a challenge to keep this simple piece of advice in mind, especially when you’re nervous, as confidence in your ability can quickly fly out the window. However, some find it helpful to write a positive mantra on a piece of paper and put it somewhere they can see it on their way to work.

Take a deep breath and remember that your employer would not have hired you if they didn’t think you could do the job.

You Won’t Know Everything — and That’s OK

As you walk into work for the first time, remember that it’s OK not to absorb everything in the first few days. New hires have a learning curve as they begin to master new business systems and operations. Any logical co-worker or new boss will know that you’re still learning and be willing to help you when you need it.

However, as you go through the onboarding process, take the time to ask questions and make sure you fully understand what they’re training you to do. This will help make a great first impression, as you show your dedication to understanding and doing the best job possible. It will also help you uncover important information that allows you to adapt faster. Let your job jitters inspire you to be particularly conscientious as you adjust.

Don’t freak out if mistakes happen, though. Just make sure to admit to your mistakes as early as possible. The faster mistakes are addressed, the easier it will be to correct any problems, helping you continue learning and growing in your new position.

Bring a Notepad and Paper

The first few days at a new job tend to contain a whirlwind of information. You’ll find yourself bombarded with instructions, directions, faces, and tasks as you begin to adjust. Therefore, bring a notepad and paper to keep everything straight. You can use this notebook to track:

  • Schedules
  • How-tos for equipment around the office
  • Notes about the general business operations
  • Account login information
  • To-do lists as you move through onboarding and dive into the job

Even if you feel like you can remember the information people tell you, it’s a good idea to have your notebook accessible over the first few weeks just in case. This will make mistakes less likely to happen.

Prepare for Success

Before you walk into your new situation, the best way to feel comfortable is preparation. Feeling as though you have done everything you can to put your best foot forward can boost your confidence.

To help you prepare, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is the office dress code, and what should you wear on a typical workday?
  • Do you need any particular supplies for your new office?
  • Where will you need to report on your first day?
  • Do you know where to park, such as an assigned parking spot?

If possible, see if you can connect with your new manager before the start date. Even if you only introduce yourself over email, having some familiarity or connection before you start can help you relax a bit more as you prepare.

Remember That This New Job Will Soon Be Ordinary

The first days and weeks at a new job can be the most challenging — especially as you get to know your new colleagues and learn how the business operates. However, remember that you won’t always be the “new employee.”

If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or weighed down by your worries about starting your new job, remind yourself that this will soon pass. You’ll eventually adjust and begin to feel like just another member of the team.

Don’t Stress About What Others Might Think of You

Facing new co-workers can be a particularly nerve-wracking part of starting a new career. You want to make a good first impression as the new employee and don’t want to attract negative attention by making mistakes on the first day. However, this puts more pressure on you to do everything perfectly, which will only increase your stress.

Instead, focus on the aspects that you can control like:

  • Dressing appropriately for the job
  • Greeting everyone politely
  • Taking notes during the onboarding process to help you get up to speed as quickly as possible

Other than that, try your best not to focus on what others think and instead focus on adapting to your new position. It might take a few weeks to get fully acclimated to the role, so give yourself that time to learn.

Stay Positive About New Opportunities

While new job anxiety is common, keep in mind that this position can offer you new opportunities for growth as a professional. See this as a chance to learn everything you can from your new employer.

Through this job, you’ll have chances to expand your professional network, including connecting with new co-workers through professional websites like LinkedIn. Your new job will also introduce you to other people who can help you further learn about the industry and set career goals.

Your new job will also provide new experiences and teach you new skills. Whether you’re learning how to use new software, gaining your first experiences as a manager, or improving your public speaking skills, new opportunities will abound. Use them to help you grow!

Let Joblist Help You Find Your Next Job

Before you get that official start date at your new job, you have to find the right position for your skills and interests. Joblist makes it easy for people to find roles that fit them best with a quiz that provides personalized job results.

You can also save job posts to apply to later. It’s never been easier to find the perfect job for your skill set. Get started finding the right position today.

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