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Blog>Guides>5 Ways to Create a Positive Work Environment in the Office and Remotely

5 Ways to Create a Positive Work Environment in the Office and Remotely

Article index


  • Understand what a positive work environment is and why it’s important

  • Learn the characteristics of a positive work environment

  • Work on ways to create a positive environment in the office

  • Strive to create a positive environment while working remotely


In addition to the work you do, your surroundings also play a significant role in determining how much you enjoy your job and how well you perform. As per Joblist's U.S. Job Market Report Q1 2022, the most common reasons for employees quitting their jobs in the past year are a toxic workplace culture (30%), bad management (28%), and low pay or lack of benefits (19%), amongst others.

To avoid constant employee turnover and ensure workers are happy and motivated, it's important to create a safe and supportive space. A positive work environment promotes trust, cooperation, growth, accountability, and equity. It can lead to success and satisfaction professionally as well as personally.

This article explores what a positive working environment is, why it matters, and the various characteristics that create one regardless of your work location.

What Are the Characteristics of a Positive Work Environment?

Let’s review some characteristics of a healthy and happy workspace:

  • Positive values: These are beliefs or principles relating to every employee, customer, and shareholder linked with the company. Positive company values are typically mentioned in the mission statement and might include respecting others, showing accountability, providing excellent service, aiming to achieve goals in an ethical, honest manner, etc.

  • Open and honest communication: Transparent communication allows every employee to feel heard and valued. It gets people involved so their views and perspectives can be considered, providing a sense of belonging in the organization. Honest and open communication also helps solve problems in a positive way and promotes trust, teamwork, and respect.

  • Compassion and respect: When working together in a team or otherwise, it's critical to have a sense of unity and acceptance. People will usually go the extra mile to help others when treated with understanding, compassion, and respect.

  • Training and development-focused: While training and mentoring are a must for new hires, it is equally important for existing employees. As technologies advance and new skills are required, companies should conduct routine training to upskill employees and improve efficiency within the organization. This also helps employees feel like their growth and development are being supported. After all, every employee’s success is the company’s success too.

  • Flexibility: While most employers think of flexibility as synonymous with adjustable working hours, it's also crucial to be open and adapt to the constantly changing demands, tastes, and technologies in the market. This helps your team upskill and be up to date with the latest trends.

  • Recognition for hard work: Rewards are one of the best and easiest ways to encourage certain behaviors. Positive reinforcement in the form of acknowledgment, compliments, and gratitude can be highly motivating and instill a positive attitude amongst employees. It is also common for companies to provide bonuses, raises, promotions, and certificates of achievement to reward employees with outstanding performances.

  • Work-life balance: While hard work and long hours were praised in the past, people now understand the importance of work-life balance for your mental health and productivity. It is vital to allow employees some time off to recharge.

  • Commitment to excellence: A positive environment makes it easy for employees to want to give 100%. Being part of a happy and motivated workspace makes people aspire to be the best and provide the best service possible. This also motivates them to take accountability and initiative in decision-making.

Why Is a Positive Working Environment Important?

Portrait of young woman in a busy modern workplace.

Employee burnout has been on the rise, with 52% of all workers feeling the symptoms and over two-thirds believing it has worsened over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. Maintaining a positive work environment can provide employees with a sense of satisfaction, make day-to-day tasks more meaningful, and prevent burnout.

Whether you work from home or in the office, being part of a company that believes in and nurtures a positive work environment is conducive to a successful workforce. It improves morale and motivates employees to perform to their highest ability. Companies can achieve a positive work environment by designing a culture that focuses on their employees' needs and supports their growth. This helps retain existing employees and attracts new employees who seek jobs that prioritize worker well-being.

5 Ways to Create a Positive Work Environment in the Office

Let’s discuss some ways that companies can foster a positive working environment in the workplace.

Create Strong Lines of Communication

Group of young modern people in smart casual wear discussing business while sitting in the creative office.

Positive working cultures include honest and transparent communication between members of an organization. Employees need to know who they report to and who reports to them so there is no confusion.

Companies can simplify the process by clarifying the organization's structure (e.g., whether it's a hierarchy or matrix) and the appropriate way to communicate with managers and coworkers. Questions and feedback should also be encouraged, so employees feel heard and use feedback as a chance to improve rather than feel criticized. Open communication can help employees improve their confidence, professional relationships, and overall performance.

Look at Your Actual Working Environment

Elevated view of a busy open plan office.

It’s important to have calm and comfortable physical surroundings to work well. So ensure employees have everything they need to complete their daily responsibilities in a timely manner.

Even the way in which things are set up in the office space can have an impact on the work environment. For example, a cluttered desk with papers spread everywhere can make it hard to focus or find things. The fewer distractions employees have, the more productive they can be and the more likely they are to complete their tasks. This also creates a stress-free surrounding that encourages cognitive performance and positive thinking.

Host Company Events

People serving themselves at a catered buffet during a company event.

Company events are a fantastic chance for employees to come together and build strong connections outside the office. They also create a sense of unity and belonging, which can go a long way in boosting employee engagement and morale.

Some examples of inclusive company events you can host include:

  • Onsite socials

  • After-work drinks

  • Workshops

  • Internal networking events

  • Holiday parties

  • Team building games and activities

Promote Workshops and Professional Development

Lecture and training in business office for white collar colleagues.

It's important to have a positive work environment where employees are encouraged to expand their skills. It boosts job satisfaction and shows employees that you support their growth and development. The more skilled they are, the more confident and motivated they will be to achieve goals and succeed.

Attending workshops allows employees to learn within and beyond their area of expertise. This is also beneficial for the organization as you can upskill and promote existing employees instead of spending time and money hiring new ones.

Encourage Time Off

Woman in pajamas relaxing at home. Concept of a day off.

"Hustle culture" and constantly grinding at work are often over-glorified, but they are actually toxic and detrimental to employee health and productivity. Promote a positive work culture by offering competitive time-off benefits and actively reminding your employees that they should use them. This can also prevent burnout and reduce absenteeism.

5 Ways to Create a Positive Work Environment While Working Remotely

Working from home is now more popular than ever, with 22% of the American workforce expected to be remote by 2025. Let’s review ways companies can foster a positive workplace culture while working remotely.

Onboard Your Employees the Right Way

Young Asian man on the screen taking notes during a video call at home.

Onboarding can be daunting, especially when starting a new job remotely. The onboarding and training process is vital for allowing new hires to feel welcome, comfortable, and ready for the job.

Some strategies to help them stay informed include:

  • Introducing a buddy system or one-on-one mentor

  • Sharing clear expectations around the company's mission statement, behavioral standards, and performance expectations

  • Familiarize them with workplace safety and codes of conduct

  • Introducing them to relevant team members and clarifying whom they must report to and how

  • Checking in with them and asking for feedback on their onboarding experience making them feel valued

Create Connections Between Teammates

Happy young Indian businessman smiling while having a video conference call.

It's important for employees to feel connected to each other even when working from home; otherwise, it can get very isolating and demotivating. Though it may seem counter-productive, employees are happier and naturally more productive when they can socialize with one another.

Some ways to stay connected even while working remotely include:

  • Daily morning meetings

  • Company contests and challenges

  • Virtual coffee chats

  • Virtual workouts

  • Virtual team games (e.g., Codenames)

Communicate and Collaborate

Back view of businesswoman speak using Webcam conference on laptop with diverse colleagues.

As we've mentioned already, unity and involvement are integral to a positive work environment. Therefore, establish clear and effective lines of communication to allow seamless collaboration.

When working remotely, this can be done through a number of ways:

  • Email chains

  • Productivity and messaging platforms like Slack or Notion

  • Zoom meetings

  • Social media video apps like Houseparty

It makes it easy to share ideas and feedback openly and move forward. This is especially helpful for making new hires feel supported and part of the team.

Recognize Accomplishments

Team clapping during virtual video conference call on computer.

Recognizing the efforts and achievements of your employees is a great way to keep them engaged and motivated.

Some ways to do this include:

  • Have weekly virtual meetings to acknowledge employee(s) of the week

  • Send care packages such as company swag, gift certificates, treats, or baked goods that employees can share with their families

  • Create a virtual awards program

  • Provide monetary rewards such as a bonus or raise

  • Offer promotions or an increase in scope

Support a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Portrait of happy female worker wearing eyeglasses using computer during remote working outdoors.

While working from home can make it harder to separate work from personal life, it’s important to ensure employees fulfill their personal and professional goals.

Here are some ways to support a healthy work-life balance for employees:

  • Offer flexible working hours

  • Focus on productivity and work completed over the number of hours put in

  • Encourage breaks and time off

  • Regularly review workloads

  • Increase support for employees with children or other dependents

  • Check in with employees regarding their mental health or other needs

Find the Right Career for You With Joblist

While every company has its own culture and set of values, it's essential to find one that is harmonious with your needs and beliefs. Working in a supportive environment will allow you to thrive and succeed so you can do what you love and love what you do.

If you're looking for a new job with a more positive work environment, you can discover low-stress jobs with good company culture on Joblist. Visit our website for more career advice or our quiz page for a personalized list of job matches now!

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